Although it is the law in Alberta for motorists to carry a minimum of $200,000.00 in liability insurance, there are two major problems:
1. Some people still drive without insurance
2. The damages caused by some injuries will exceed that $200,000.00 minimum
This is why insurance companies sell “Family Protection Endorsements,” also known as “SEF 44 Endorsements.”
By purchasing this endorsement on a motor vehicle insurance policy, consumers expect their own insurance companies will step in to cover any shortfall when members of their family are injured by drivers without sufficient insurance to cover their losses.
When you buy this coverage, you are in control of the limits, depending on how much you want to spend. But actually obtaining coverage through this policy can be particularly challenging, as the law is constantly changing.
A recent 2012 Ontario Court of Appeal decision, Roque v. Pilot Insurance, underscores the importance of promptly notifying SEF 44 insurers of potential claims against the SEF 44 endorsement as soon as injured victims have an inkling that their claim may exceed the Defendant’s insurance limits.
Our team of Edmonton personal injury lawyers regularly review the state of the law, and the implications that court decisions across Canada may have on our clients’ rights to recovery for damages.
Having one of our accident injury lawyers on your side means that you have an advocate who knows what the law expects of accident victims.
Don’t sell yourself short. Tapping into your SEF 44 endorsement can make a huge difference to your injury compensation, and our Edmonton accident lawyers know just how to do it.
Contact us today for your free consultation, and speak with an Edmonton lawyer today.
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